May 9, 2014

Friday Favorites // Paul Brown Petty

Okay. (Okay is not the best word to start a post with, so let's try that again...)
GUESS WHAT I FOUND!!!! (There. I may have scare you out of your seat, but at least I didn't start with a boring word. Attention grabbers. That's what I'm about. No. Not really.) 

Anyways. *sigh* 

I was going about my business earlier, and I stop by to check You-Tube real quick (*snort*) and I saw a new Brandon Heath music video! But it wasn't just any Brandon Heath music video. It was Brandon Heath's Paul Brown Petty official music video. (I was so excited, I may have squealed a bit. I also may have immediately clicked to watch it, and I also may have immediately decided to share it with you all today instead of my original plan.)   

I have loved derived great pleasure from this song every since I first heard it, and I wanted to share it with you then, but to my dismay... there was no music video for it. But now! NOW there is!!! And let me tell you! If I enjoyed this song before, I enjoy it sooooo much more now! 

But, enough of me going on, and on, (and on, and on, and on, and on,) about this song. To know why I take pleasure in the song so greatly, You, My dear (reader/ friend/ follower/ acquaintance/ what-ever-one-best-fits) will have to watch and listen for yourself.

Brandon Heath - Paul Brown Petty

What did you think? Did I give the song justice? Or over exaggerate how wonderful it is?


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