January 20, 2014

October Baby [Sanctity of Life Part 2]

Well, I decided to so more than two 'Sanctity of Life' posts, just because. :)

You may have noticed that in the video yesterday, there were some scenes from a movie. You also may have noticed that at the end of the video, the words "October Baby" were shown. That was because the movie clips were from a movie called October Baby.

October Baby is a beautiful movie that tells the story of Hannah. A 19 year old who finds out that not only is she adopted, she is an abortion survivor. The movie tells of her journey to find relief from emotional pain, her journey to find her birth mom, and her journey to learn forgiveness. If you haven't watched it, I would highly recommend it.

I would also recommend going to www.everylifeisbeautiful.com. A site which (I believe) the writer/directors founded. It has several videos from a variety of people (actors in the movie, Christian music artists, abortion survivors) telling why they believe that 'every life is beautiful.'



  1. Hi Rebekah! I love October Baby! It is so heartbreaking to think that children are murdered everyday. Planned Parenthood offers unwed mothers"hope". They say that they can erase their mistakes by having an abortion. What these girls need is real hope and true salvation.
    They need to know that Jesus loves them and their baby. They need to know that it is never right to kill. . . no matter what name you put on an act of murder. They need hope and love. . . the kind that Jesus gives.
    So how have you been, Rebekah? Hope everything is great in your life! :) God Bless,

    1. I know! Have you ever read/heard of Abby Johnson's book 'unPlanned'? I read it a few years back. It was so cool to read her story. She went from a director(?) of a Planned Parenthood site, to a firm believer against abortion. It's really powerful.
      I've been doing well! Thanks for asking! How about you?

    2. My Mom read "unPlanned", but I never did. It sounds as if I should! I know my mom said it was really good.

      I have been OK. I went to a church English Country Dance the other day and had a lot of fun! Are you still dancing? I also had a braces appointment yesterday and my teeth hurt. :(
      God Bless,

    3. I was! If you have the chance, you should definitely read it!
      I'm kind of dancing.. Sometime after we moved last year, I started teaching my own dance class! It's been fun! Not quite the same, but it's fun to see other people enjoy it. :)
      I had an orthodontist appointment last week and my teeth hurt then! Thankfully the pain went away with some Advil, and I only needed it for three days. :) How long have you had braces?
