December 31, 2013

A New Year

Okay. First of all, I have a disclaimer. I know this post is filled with rather random things, and my thoughts don't all flow together, but I hope you can at least understand what I'm saying. And if you can't, don't worry. It's not the first time someone hasn't understood me. ;) I hope that something I wrote stands out to you, and means something to you. Even if it is all random and lacks all hope of organization. So, without further ado, welcome to my thoughts. My ramblings. And, try to enjoy. :)

It's snowing again. Oh, snow. There's so many things that come to my mind when I thing of snow. But today, one thing is more predominant than the rest. Today is the last day of a 2013. I can't believe time has gone by so fast. Some days, it seems like it was just a few weeks ago, when I was standing with all my friends (most of them) in the yard, laughing, talking about random things, and finally, having to say goodbye. Yet, other times, in seems like it's been years since then. But, back to snow. :)
Snow. It falls, and melts. Comes, and goes away. A new year has come, and gone away. Snow goes away, but we know it will come back. The new year ends, but we know another will come.

The New Year is a time of happiness, but a time of sadness too. The New Year is exciting, yet dreadful, wonderful, yet heart-wrenching. It's hope, and dread, peace, and anguish. It's full of so many emotions and thoughts, there's no possible way to explain them all.

I'm not much for New Year's resolutions, mostly because I either fail at them, or forget them before the end of January. But, if I were into New Year's goals or resolutions, I would probably form it around the song below.  The chorus says:
"I wanna live with abandon
Give You all that I am
Every part of my heart Jesus
I place in Your hands
I wanna live with abandon"

To me, these words are so powerful. They show so much passion, and excitement, and devotion. They show peace, and humility. They show fearlessness, and trust, and a selflessness beyond what my mind can comprehend.

If I were to write a goal for this New Year, maybe it wouldn't even be the chorus of this song...

But a prayer that God would give me the strength, and trust, and selflessness to sing this song.
And truly mean

So, now, my goal is not to live with abandon. My goal is to say "I want to live with abandon." And really, truly mean it. My goal is to learn to trust God in every single way. My goal is to know that his way is the best way. Even if it goes against everything I want. My goal is to trust completely. Entirely. Unknowingly. Always.

So that I can say "I want to live with abandon. I want to give all that I can. I want to give you myself. I want to offer to do whatever you want me to do. I want to see you change my world. I want to be part of you changing the world. I want to help like you. I want to love like you. I want to shine like you."

I want to say that. But I need God's help.

It's a goal that I need God's help with. Isn't that just down right funny?! My goal is to trust God, but I need God's help with that! Doesn't that just sound confusing? But isn't it a picture of how great and powerful God is?

Anyways, I hope something I said made sense, and I wish you all a very Happy New Year!

Live With Abandon ~ Newsboys

What are your New Year's goal/resolution?

Happy New Year!



  1. Wow Rebekah...your writing is so beautiful! It wasn't rambling at all! It flowed so beautifully and was so true! It can be hard to surrender our will to God's Will, yet when we do, we find joy...the kind of joy that survives the tough times and makes the good times all the sweeter.
    I love the Newsboys! I haven't heard too much of their new songs... I mostly listen to the older ones like "Shine." I should make an effort to hear some of their new songs such as the one you posted!

    1. First of all, sorry it took me so long to reply to your comment. :(
      Secondly, thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed the post!
      The Newsboys are a wonderful band. You just have to listen to the newer songs knowing that they're not the older songs. :) That might make sense.... ;)
