October 17, 2013



Well, your birthday starts your first day of your week's vacation. You've already gone to someone's house and come home with lots and lots of wood, and you're planning on painting the rest of the downstairs tomorrow. And doing some other strenuous work around the house. You might get some relaxation time... or not. :)

I'm using orange for this post/letter, because I think that's your favorite color. :) (Why are we buying dog food?)

I didn't get you a birthday present, so I kind of feel bad (understatement) but I know you don't really care if you get presents or not did help make your cake. The cake that we made while you were out getting the wood. The cake that tasted really, really good.

And I'm not doing school at the moment, but it's because I'm writing this letter, so, I'm not doing school because I love you.... or something like that. (Some things sound better on the inside. )

This letter is kind of all scrambled about (green eggs and ham?) but, at least you can understand what I'm saying. (MUMBLER!!!!)

...as long as you can see it that is, as you always say! The eyes are the first things to go! Or maybe it's the mind, you don't always remember. ;)

The points I want to get across are:
  1. Happy Birthday!
  2. I'm so glad you're my Daddy!
  3. You are the best Aged P in the world!
  4. Thank-you for all that you do! Especially the stuff that you do over, and over, and over.
  5. I hope you have a wonderful birthday!
  6. I love you so, so much!
I love you Daddy, Happy Birthday!

For those of you who may not have understood this at all, that's okay. I didn't write it for you. :)


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