March 1, 2014

Friday Favorite / Messed Up Time

So... A 'Friday Favorite' on a Saturday!?!?! 'Messed Up Time'.. You think! Maybe just a little!!!

Yeah.. sorry about that. We had a swim meet to go to, so I was 2 hours away, and my computer was at home... :( It's so sad, isn't it... *sniff*

Well, since we're on the topic of time (or at least we kind of were....) Here's a great reminder that on March 9th, we SPRING ahead! I certainly will like the fact that it's lighter longer, but having to get up on a Sunday after losing an hour of sleep.... Let's just say that that's always a hard morning, no matter what year it is. :)

Anyways, without further ado...
Spring Forward Fail ~ The Skit Guys

"I never bother turning my clocks ahead. It's easier to just show up an hour late for everything." ~ Anonymous
"Spring is the time of the year, when it is summer in the sun and winter in the shade." - Charles Dickens
"The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day he created Spring." ~ Bern Williams
"Spring shows what God can do with a drab and dirty world." - Virgil Kraft



  1. We were always the same way on Sundays when we used to go to church. Now, though, it doesn't make a difference. So you swim?

    1. I do not swim, but my all three of my younger siblings do. Rephrase: I am capable of swimming, but I do not participate on a team like they do. ;)
      May I ask why you no longer attend church? If that's a personal question, please, by no means feel obligated to answer. :)

    2. Well, we've tried lots and lots of churches, and every time there has been a problem at some point, everything ranging from preachers who preach from political works instead of the Bible (!), to churches where their praise and worship time is really just a time to show case their music director and worship team. And then there were also preachers who took the Bible and skewed it to make their point, which was really bad. You know, lift one verse entirely out of context and then base their point solely on that. Hopefully this is understandable? ;)

    3. I understand. :) That's so sad! Thankfully, with my Dad being a pastor, we don't have to deal with the question of what church to attend! LOL!

    4. Well, hopefully he believes that there is a definite heaven and a definite hell. Seriously, the priest at one church didn't want his kids listening to Christian music because he didn't want them getting any illusions about heaven. He had this far out theory that heaven is actually earth, we humans just have to nice and loving to each other and protect the environment, like we are supposed to rebuild Paradise. And he didn't believe in Hell because he said that a loving God wouldn't punish people for eternity. Really? He was wiiieeerd.

    5. Wow! That's... (for lack of a better word) crazy! :) It's so sad that people think that...
      To answer your question, yes, we believe that there is a definite heaven and a definite hell.

  2. I forgot to ask what denomination y'all are (I'm guessing Apostolic?)?

    1. We are currently part of the EFCA (Evangelical Free Church of America). Before our move last year, we were a part of the CMA (Christian Missionary Alliance).
      What do you mean by Apostolic? I've never heard of that denomination. :)

    2. I've never heard of the EFCA myself. We used to be in the REC/ACNA (Reformed Episcopal Church/ Anglican Church of North America) but that was with the priest. We've also tried one Methodist, several Baptist, and one Assembly. Apostolic is a charismatic group, speaking in tongues etc. They also tend to have long braided hair and wear skirts, at least the ones around here anyways. I guess I'm just nosy. ;)

    3. Well, by that definition, we are not Apostolic. :)
      Nosy... hmm... sounds like somebody else I know. Wonder who that could be. LOL :) It's absolutely okay to ask some questions. ;)

    4. 10/4. I've enjoyed our little chat! By the way, thanks for +1ing my posts!

    5. I've enjoyed it as well! Your welcome. :) Thanks for commenting on mine!
