November 14, 2013

Idea and feedback PLEASE!!!

Okay. I have a question for everyone. I've seen lots of people do a 'Thankful' post in the days leading up to Thanksgiving. I think/thought that was a great idea, but I hadn't seen it until a few days into the month, and didn't want to start it then. So, my idea is, to do an Advent post throughout December, in the days leading up to Christmas. I'll most likely include a song, and if I miss a day, I'll (supposedly) catch up the next day.

My question is, do you think this is a good idea? Is it something you would be interested in reading/watching? Please let me know whether it be in a comment, or an e-mail, or however-easier-for-you. :) I'd love to see what you think about it, whether good, or bad! Okay, maybe not so bad... ;)

Waiting to see what you think!



  1. I say, go for it! If you need any help from me, just ask! :)

  2. I love the idea. I am sad I didn't think of it myself. I love to read/ watch whatever you post! Hope it works out! Love ya! <3

  3. Go for it! I would love to read it :)

  4. Alright! I will plan on doing this then! :)
