February 23, 2014

Sunday 2.23.14 Life Song

I want my life song to praise God. I want my life song to give him glory. I want my life song to speak out to others.

"Let my life song sing to you..."

Life Song ~ Casting Crowns


February 21, 2014

Friday Favorite // Jamie Grace - White Boots

So, I have the Sunday series, the Tuesday Tresses, and Friday Favorites.

Friday Favorites may contain movie/book recommendations, music videos, other videos, random pictures, a website, etc. Something that's been my favorite that week or day. :) Hope you enjoy!

This week's Friday Favorite is an absolutely amazing song! The message of this song always makes me smile so, so much. (or big, or... whatever the right word is there..) Jamie Grace is a talented artist, who recently released her second album! Her newest album 'Ready to Fly' contains this song. So, without any further ado...

White Boots ~ Jamie Grace (featuring [her sister] Morgan Harper Nichols

Isn't it just adorable!!!! Tell me what you thought!


February 18, 2014

Tuesday Tresses

Okay, it took me absolutely forever to decide what to call these posts!!! (How come no day of the week begins with an 'h'!) Anywho, I'm basically just going to post a few pictures of the finished hair style, and give a brief description (Haha! Am I capable of that?) of how I did it. So... that being said..
Basically, all I did was French Pigtails (two French Braids), loosely knotted the two together, and pinned them up in the back. 

As you can see from the above picture, we had LOTS of snow outside!!!

And you can see all my mess in this one..... *gives an embarrassed smile, then shrugs shoulders*
I hope you all enjoyed! Do you have any suggestions or ideas for these 'Tuesday Tresses' posts?
Is this hair style something you would do to your hair? (Okay guys, obviously that question wasn't meant for you... This one is though.. Do you think the 'Tuesday Tresses' are going to get annoying? Or do you not mind?)
Hopefully I'll have some picture/family posts up soon!

February 16, 2014

Sunday 2.16.14 Broken Hallelujah

Definition of HALLELUJAH

—used to express praise, joy, or thanks

Hallelujahs come in so many different ways and forms. Think of the ways that we express our Hallelujahs to the King.
'Here's my Broken Hallelujah.'

Broken Hallelujah ~ The Afters


February 15, 2014

Blog thoughts

I 've been thinking about the question I asked you all in my last blog post. Here's what I decided and why.

I decided not to start a new blog. My blog title is 'Friends, Family, (and) Fun Forever'. I thought through and decided what to do about certain subjects/ideas/activities.
  • Pictures ~ Pictures show what my family (and friends) and I have been having fun doing! Therefore, pictures are good.
  • Music ~ Who doesn't have fun listening to music! It's fun, therefore it counts! Also, if I don't post a song that's 'fun', it should glorify God, therefore, I'm going to count it. :)
  • Hair ~ I've thought about this one a lot this week too. I enjoy doing my hair (and my sisters' hair), therefore, it's fun. I haven't shared any hair pictures in the past, but I have several to share. For the reason stated above, I've decided to start sharing some hair pictures. (Oh la la!)
  • Writing ~ I have shared some of my writing before. I have decided that I have two reasons for doing so. Number one, I have fun doing it, and number two, it's a blog. Blogs are for writing. Need I say anymore on that topic? I think not.
I think that's about all that I've done in the past/ thought about doing.

A note about music, I originally started the Sunday series for sharing worship songs. All the songs that I've shared have been Christian, and glorify God, but I feel that some of them haven't been technically worshiping. Rephrasing.. they glorify God, and therefore are worshipful, but aren't necessarily worshiping.

That being said, I am going to try to do a better job about making sure the songs I share on Sunday are worshiping God. Also, I am going to start a new series to share songs that still glorify God, but are either more on the fun side, or have messages that are meant more as a reminder to us.

I hope that all makes sense... :) If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to comment below! Tell me what your thoughts are!


February 9, 2014

Questions, Thoughts, Ramblings...

Or, What-ever-else-you-want-to-call-this. :)

Okay, I've been thinking for a while about starting a new blog. I originally started this blog to share what my family's been doing. (Pictures, activities, etc.) But, take a look around. The majority of my posts are about music and different songs. And, on one hand, it seems sort of silly to start a new blog with just a bunch of posts on music videos, and what I think about the song. On the other hand, it sounds organized and makes me feel like I'm using things for their original purposes. (Using the blog that I started for pictures, for pictures, and using the blog that I started for music, for music.)

I'm still thinking through things, and thoughts are scattered around in my brain, but I'd like to get your input before I make a final decision. Do you care if the blog started for the purpose of sharing pictures and stories has a bunch of posts that contain NO pictures or stories? Or do you not care at all whether this blog has pictures, or videos, or stories, or poems, or.... (what else is there...) on it?

Let me know what you think! PLEASE!!! Yes, it's my blog, put your input is important to me. :)



Sunday 2.9.14 All I Can Do (Thank You)

What else can I say.... besides "Thank-you."

MIKESCHAIR ~ All I Can Do (Thank You)


February 2, 2014

Sunday 2.2.14 Shake The World

"When the sons and daughters start singing this song,
Then everybody all around 'em will be singing along,
It's gonna shake the world. It's gonna shake the world!
When we all start marching to the beat of the drum,
Moving to the rhythm of the Kingdom to come,
It's gonna shake the world, It's gonna shake, shake, shake the world!"

Can you imagine the world shaking. If everybody would sing this song, would let the light of Jesus shine through, the world would "shake, shake, shake."  This song just fills me with joy. The beat, the words, the passion. The imagination this song brings to mind. I'm smiling just thinking about this song. :)

Shake The World ~ Finding Favor
