February 2, 2014

Sunday 2.2.14 Shake The World

"When the sons and daughters start singing this song,
Then everybody all around 'em will be singing along,
It's gonna shake the world. It's gonna shake the world!
When we all start marching to the beat of the drum,
Moving to the rhythm of the Kingdom to come,
It's gonna shake the world, It's gonna shake, shake, shake the world!"

Can you imagine the world shaking. If everybody would sing this song, would let the light of Jesus shine through, the world would "shake, shake, shake."  This song just fills me with joy. The beat, the words, the passion. The imagination this song brings to mind. I'm smiling just thinking about this song. :)

Shake The World ~ Finding Favor



  1. Thanks for sharing! By the way, just trying to get the word out to Christians and Creationists out there, Dr. Ken Ham and Bill Nye are having a live debate Tuesday evening, which can be streamed. I don't know all the details but it sounds great, y'all. We're definitely watching it (if I can get my hands on an HDMI cable....)

    1. Your welcome, Ajax! I think it's so cool that you found my blog! Thanks for following!
      The debate sounds really cool! I've heard some about it, but don't know the details either. :) I'll have to look into it some more! Thanks for sharing!

    2. Well I'm glad I did, nice blog you've got. Yol Bolsun!
