January 21, 2014

Animal babies and a very clear point! [Sanctity of Life Part 3]

The other day, my mom showed me this link.
It's pictures of unborn baby animals. These pictures are SO COOL! Peter Chinn 'created' them. They're a mix of photos, ultrasounds, and a bit of computer graphics to bring it all together. So, while they're not exact photos, they show the real thing. If you read the article the whole way to the bottom, you'll understand why I included it in the Sanctity of Life posts. :)



  1. Wow Rebekah, this is amazing! I love how they pointed out that we recognize all the baby animals, but call a baby human a "clump of cells." I often see how people worry more about animal cruelty than the murder of thousands of babies. It truly is sad.
    God Bless and thanks for the post,

    1. First of all, sorry my comment is late in response to yours. :(
      I know! When I first read that article, I was hit with the fact that that truly is how people think.
      Glad you enjoyed it!
