August 28, 2013

Update and Preview

Okay, I know I gave you a preview, and I know that the Peanut Butter Bars look (and tasted) so good, but due to no editing program on my computer, and finicky cameras, and school, and field trips, the post is not finished. My apologies. Really, I am sorry!

About those field trips.. we went to see some sites when a friend came to visit, so look for pictures of Custer State Park, Mount Rushmore, and Crazy Horse, coming soon. Soon as in before next year if you are lucky when my schedule and technology permits. But, I won't leave you with nothing!!!

Custer State Park (Day 1)

Custer State Park (Day 2)

Wild donkey. These things stand on the road waiting for food. They stick their heads in your car window! They follow your car when you drive past! :)

Those brown dots are buffalo.

Yes! Silly pictures in the car!!! ( It kept me from feeling sick. Don't ask.)

Mount Rushmore!

 And me! You can't get any better!!! 

Working on the posts,
And school,
And chores,
And life...

Hope you enjoy!