December 22, 2013

CHRISTmas 12.22.13 Come Now Our King

A song of hope, a song of prayer, a song of longing, a song of praise.

A beautiful song, with words so true,
I have decided to share with you.
I have no clue where that came from,
But I hope this song will make you... hum?
(I think that I should stop right now,
So without further ado, I take a bow,
I leave my stage, I leave my spot
And leave the words that I wrote with a jot.)

Come Now Our King ~ Chris August

Don't ask me what happened up there before the song....



  1. Hi Rebekah! I love Chris August!! I really enjoy the sound of his voice.
    I hope you are having a great Christmas season. I can hardly believe that Christmas is next Wednesday. God Bless and Merry Christmas!

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed it Natalie! I am looking forward to Christmas! Even though I can't believe it's already here. :) Merry Christmas to you too!
