December 29, 2013

Sunday 12.29.13 Words

Think of all the times someone had said something to you that brought you down to the ground. But all they said, was a bunch of words.
Think of all the times someone said something to you, that made you feel like you were several feet off the ground. All they said, was a bunch of words.
Think of all the times someone looked at you like you had just saved their life. But all you said was a bunch of words.

A picture is worth a thousand words.... But words still mean a lot.

Our words can lift others up to the highest of places. Or bring them down to the lowest of places. Our words are powerful.

This song says, "I don't want to speak a word unless it points the world back to you." While it's true, it's still so hard. (Especially this week...) ;)

But, wouldn't it be something if everything out of our mouths pointed the world back to Jesus?

Words ~ Hawk Nelson


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